Why i need to install Urdu Fonts

Urdu, Arabic and Farsi Writing Styles
Fonts are visual style of text. It is a set of printable or displayable text character s in a specific style and size. Fonts are a necessary part of window as Windows need different types and size of fonts to display different type of text.
Fonts increases the readability and experience of user to read the text. A good font make it easy to read the text. Let suppose you are reading something which has a font similar to signature. It will be difficult for you to read and understand at good/normal speed. So font has a direct impact on user who is reading something. Similarly if you are reading or writing Urdu somewhere and you don't have an Urdu font installed on your system then you might caught into trouble.
Let us see the given example.
اردو میں پڑھنا لکھنا نہایت دلچسپ اور آسان کام ہے۔
In the above given picture you are seeing two colored text. The text written in Red has windows default font which is not made for Urdu and it is a bit difficult to read :( while in the second line the text which has green color having a well-known font for Urdu known as Jameel Noori Nastaleeq. So all Urdu lovers and persons who has Urdu as their mother tongue likes this font because it is simple and easy to understand as it increases the readability of reader. If you don't have and Urdu font installed on your system the don't worry we have a solution for that problem too. You just need to read rest of the post.

Go ahead and Download Basic Urdu Fonts.
These files are in RaR format so you will need WinRaR or 7-Zip to Extract them. Extract files to any location where you can manage them easily.
Now you have to copy these files to your Fonts folder.
If you have installed windows on C: drive then your fonts folder path will be


When installation of fonts will be started, you will see a copying dialogue box. If a font is already installed then you will be prompt to replace the existing font. When the installation is completed, the newly installed fonts will be visible in you font list. Now you can use them as your other fonts.
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